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Parkwood Sharks Swim Team

Team Registration and FAQs

The Parkwood Sharks have competed in the Spartanburg Summer Swim League for decades...many of our swimmers are second generation Sharks.  Summer swim season begins the last week of May and ends with the City Championship Meet in July.  We have morning and afternoon options for practice, and we compete in six dual meets, concluding with the City Swim Meet the second Saturday in July. Parkwood Swim Team is open to all Spartanburg County kids ages 5-18.



Parkwood Pool Members = $75 per swimmer + $40 per sibling

Non-Parkwood Members= $110 per swimmer + $70 per sibling


Fees include:  

  • 7 hours of adult-supervised instruction each week

  • swim cap and team T-shirt

  • 6 dual meets

  • weekly meet ribbons / awards

  • City Meet Entry Fees

  • plus a whole lot of fun!  


Seriously, where else can you get  7 hours of instruction for 6 weeks at this price? And moms, you can even drop them off at practice and grocery shop, or walk, or just think your own thoughts in your car... :)


Frequently asked questions...


Q: What if my child is not a strong swimmer? This is a developmental league so all swimmers are welcome. Our only requirement is that the child can make it by him/herself across the length of the pool. Our coaches will develop basic skills during the season, but we do not teach swim lessons at practice. Swim lessons are available at other hours by our coaches and lifeguards.


Q: What are the age categories? Summer swim league is open to kids ages 5-18. Swimmers will practice in age groups, and swimmers compete in age divisions: 6 & Under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15 & Up. 


Q: Does my child have to be at every practice? Goodness, no. Every practice is available to all swimmers but certainly not required.  There's no penalty for missing practice, but they are valuable in improving your swimmer's stroke and times. 


Q: Do I need special equipment? You'll need a good set of goggles or two (since they seem to disappear around the pool), a swim cap we'll provide, and you are welcome to order a team suit pictured right --->

but any black or red suit will be fine (exceptions to this are "technical suits", which are not allowed in SSSL meets.)


Q: What if I miss a meet because I'm on vacation?  Well, have a great time!  Look, this is summer...and we're not the pool police.  Come when you can!  The more committed you are, the more you improve, but we understand families need vacations, so go and practice your butterfly in the ocean! We're the Fun Team!!  :) 


Sharks in the water!



Mondays 10-11 a.m. and /or 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. and Meet 6 -9ish p.m.

Wednesdays A.M. OFF, Stroke & Turn practice at 5:30 p.m.

Thursday 10-11 a.m. and / or 5:30-6:30 p.m. (ribbons and awards at 6:20)

Friday mornings at 10 only


See bottom of this page for season meet schedule.



So...what are you waiting for??...


Come join us for Summer 2019!


To register online, please:


2. pay your registration fees on our PAY ONLINE page or bring to our first practice on May 28th 



TEAM SUITParkwood Swimmers can order a team suit online at a very reasonable price from The Swim Outlet.

Click the image to see website.


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Parkwood Pool Association, Inc.

207 Mohawk Drive

Spartanburg SC 29301   

Site created by W. Duke, 2016 

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